


Tuesday 10 March 2020

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Writer Agus Supriyadi | Editor Agus Supriyadi 

Ternate, Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Reading comprehension refers to whether or not a student understands a text that they have read. At higher levels, comprehending a text involves making inferences and understanding implicit ideas. Some students struggle with reading comprehension. These reading comprehension worksheets should help you provide remediation to these students.
Fictional Passages
Jacob the Great Comprehension Test – Students read a short story about a kid cycling through hobbies and then answer comprehension, inferential, and literary element questions. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Jacob the Great Comprehension Test RTF
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Short Stories with Questions – Here’s a huge page of classic short stories with question. Each story features an exciting twist or a valuable lesson. You’re students will love these.
Nonfiction Short Texts with Review Questions
Chess | Nonfiction Reading Test – Chess has been played for hundreds of years. This test covers some basics of the game of kings. This test is for earlier readers, but the multiple-choice and long response questions are rigorous and aligned with Common Core State Standards.

TV | Nonfiction Reading Test – Where would American culture be without TV? Learn about the history of television and answer multiple-choice and long response questions in this reading test. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 1-4

Metal Detectors | Nonfiction Reading Test – From treasure hunters to soldiers: find out about some of the ways that metal detectors help people and save lives. Then answer multiple choice and extended response questions.

Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test – Tetris is the most popular video game of all time. Read about this classic game and then answer multiple-choice and long response questions.

The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test – The image of the Coliseum is unmistakable. Learn about the rich history of this legendary amphitheater, and then answer multiple-choice and extended response questions. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6

The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test – The Pony Express may not be around anymore, but it has earned its place in American folklore. Learn about the most exciting mail service ever offered in this text and answer multiple-choice and extended response questions based on the passage. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6

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  1. Name:Tri intan saputri,
    the title of the book being read Jacob the Great from the story that I read about Jacob, he is a child who has a lot of hobbies, and his hobbies don't always last, for example when he plays the guitar then because his hands hurt he keeps them under the bed, and when he sees the advertisement of a meain treasure hunter he started saving, and when he managed to buy the machine, he just found a bottle cap and a few cents, after that he buried the machine too, then his last request was to want a magic trap, but his father was not sure of it, only Jacob insisted and his father answered him on his birthday, he while enjoying playing with a magic wand, Jacob saw an ad that caught his attention and he began to move away from his wand.
    in my opinion this story explains about a boy named Jacob who is easily influenced by something but is also easily bored, some of his hobbies do not last long, and each hobby that can spend some money, on the one hand Jacob is a child who likes to save to achieve its purpose.

  2. Name : Yuyun Sugianti
    In the narrative the text "Jacob the Great" describes a different atmosphere every day and this is very interesting. This story has interesting variations from the start of introduction, climax and completion. from what I read Jacob is a kid who doesn't stick to one hobby. He has many hobbies that keep changing. He also has a lot of will but he always strives to realize his desires. Jacob is a persistent child. In this story makes the reader not bored because of the variety of storylines that provide a different atmosphere. This text is easy to understand besides this text also provides motivation for readers that to get something we must try.

  3. Name : Endah Tri widiastuti
    Cerpen "Jacob the great" menceritakan seorang anak yang memiliki banyak mimpi dan imajinasi, dari mulai belajar bermain gitar, menjadi seorang pemburu harta Karun, seorang ahli sihir
    dan sampai akhirnya ia ingin menjadi astronot. Namun di balik semua itu ada pesan yang tersirat dalam cerpen tersebut, disaat Yakub memiliki banyak mimpi dia sadar dia harus meraih mimpinya dia terus berusaha sampai akhirnya dia mewujudkan mimpinya satu demi satu. Cerpen ini dapat memotivasi para pembaca ketika ingin mencapai sesuatu harus diimbangi dengan usaha yang maksimal.

  4. Name: Jusman A. Sahmal
    “Jacob the Great” This passage talked about a kid who likes to do any activities until he got a million hobbies from what he loves to do. However he never stuck with any of them long enough to get any good. When he likes something he will directly ask the father to buy or get the thing, and the father use to got angry with him because of keep on asking something that wasting the money. This passage has an interesting variations start from introduction, climax, and close with completion, this one also quite difficult to be understood by the reader, because there are some sentences that confusing so the reader should read twice or more to get the point of the passage itself, and also at the end the reader will be curious about what will happen after the last sentence in the passage. But overall this passage is totally interesting to be read by everyone.

  5. Name: Nurul Qamariyah Syamsudin
    "Jacob the great" was a story about a curious boy,who always wants to try something newin his live. Different from other boys in his age, he spent his money to buy something for his new hobbies. Such as the metal detector. But, there is a problem with him, he is easily bored. So, his hobby is never long lasting.But, in the end of the story, he finally find out his hobby or dream, that is an astronaut. In this story, we can learn that, finding out our true dream, is not easy. So don not give up to try new things, that could lead us to who trully we are or who our meant to be.

  6. Name : La Ode Abdul Majid
    "The great jacub"
    This text tells of a man who has a lot of hobbies and always likes to try out new things that meet him on a daily basis. But in doing so he didn't last long or he was just trying if he didn't feel good he would soon give up his hobbies or activities. Started off playing guitar, looking for treasure, tried to be a magician, and he ended up wanting to live in space.
    The moral message I can take from this story is never give up in pursuit of something and keep trying to get what we want

  7. Name : Umi Kalsum Ilham
    "The great Jacub"
    The story shows a kid who is new to life goal, ywing which has many dreams of learning to play the guitar to being an astronaut. He realized that all that had to be done was not a dream

  8. Name:Yuli La Amulara
    "Jacob the Great"
    A text tell about someone who likes to do something new but everything he does, does not get resolved more precisely the type of person who is easily bored with something that makes him confused about his true purpose. however, because he kept trying to do it so that in the end he found something that so touched his feelings or that made him feel that something should be his goal. The message that we can find from this text is to keep trying to find what is our goal and keep trying to achieve it or always optimistic and keep trying towards what we want to achieve.

  9. Nama : Mutia Harun
    "The great Jacob"
    Cerita ini tentang seorang laki-laki yang sangat suka melakukan hal-hal baru,dan dia memiliki banyak aktivitas. Dia juga mempunyai banyak mimpi, suatu hari ayahnya engang membelikan dia kit sulap untuk ulang tahun nya tetapi dia meyakinkan ayahnya bahwa dia akan belajar, dan menunjukkannya, dia memohon pads ayahnya. Dan ketika ulang tahun nya tiba, dia terkejut melihat peralatan penyihir yang sangat dia impikan, dia sangat bersemangat, pesan dari cerita ini adalah apapun yang kita inginkan atau yang kita mau, kota jarus berusaha dan jangan menyerah.

  10. Nama : Amelia Muhlis
    "The great jacub"
    Cerita seorqng anak yang bernama jacub yang didalam hidupnya dia memiliki banyak keinginan untuk mecoba sesuatu yang baru,selain itu juga dia memiliki banyak hobi akan tetapi hobinya tidak bertatan lama mulai dari bermain gitar,memburu harta karun dan bahkan ingin menjadi astronot.Menurut saya jika kita mempunyai keinginan dan tekad yang kuat maka kita harus berusaha dan jangan pernah takut untuk gagal sebelum kita mencoba karena sukses itu butuh proses.

  11. Nama: Nurhasri Mansur
    "Jacob the great"
    The story tells of a child who has many hobbies, he always wants to try something new in his life and he never feels satisfied with the hobbies that he has. when he wants something he always asks his father to buy it. according to him this is no problem, he is easily bored with something he has tried, so his hobbies are never limited. This story is a motivation that gives us an idea that hobbies are endless as long as we want to try something new in our lives.

  12. Name: Eva Hesty Susanti
    "Jacub the great" - this story talked about a curious boys, he always wants to try something newin his live. From what i read, jacub has many hobbies that keep changing. He also has a lot of will but he always strives to realize his desires. Defferent from other boys in his age, he spents his money to buy something for his new hobbies. But, he is to easily bored. So, his hobbies is never long lasting. But, the end of story, he finally find out his hobby or dream, that is an astronaut. This text provides motivation for readers that to get something we must try.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. my name is Arnie Milania Sangadji
    Jacob the Great He loves hobbies and activities, but he is never happy with what others say. He begged to buy a guitar so that he could play the song Black Eyed Peas for Angie the girl he liked. Every effort he made was undertaken in an effort to take part in activities involving involving his hobby. The business would not betray the results. While he wants to try. He did not want to try with magic. A good story can be an example for readers of this story.

  15. Nama : Asdiana La Jumadu

    "TV Nonfiction Reading Test".

    In this story “ John Baird made the first TV in 1925. It had one color. It could only show 30 lines. This was just enough room for a face. It didn't work well, but it was a start. And evindentely : The first TV station was set up in 1928. It was in New York. Few people had TVs. The broadcasts were not meant to be watched. They showed a Felix the Cat doll for two hours a day. The doll spun around on a record player. They were experimenting. It took many years to get it right, Color TVs came out in 1953. They cost too much money for most. Also, shows were aired in black and white”.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.



      In 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express was the
      fastest way to get news to and from the West.
      The trail that they rode was around 2000 miles
      long. It took most people weeks or months to
      ride that far. The Pony Express could make the
      trip in just ten days. Those speeds were
      unheard of at the time. So how did they do it?
      Well, they had a good system That is The Pony Express had 184 stations along the
      trail. The stations were around ten miles apart.
      This is about how far a horse could run at a
      gallop before tiring. The rider would switch to
      a new horse at each station. He would only
      take his mail pouch with him. Every 75-100
      miles, the rider would get to a home station. At
      each home station, riders would rest. Before
      resting, he would give his mail pouch to a new
      rider. The mail never stopped moving, even
      while the horses and riders rested event It was tough to ride for the Pony Express. Each
      rider had to weigh less than 125 pounds. Speed
      was the key. Most of the riders were teenage
      boys. They rode at a fast pace for up to 100
      miles a day. If there were an emergency, one
      might have to ride 200 miles in a day. The ride
      could be rough and dangerous. Attacks by
      Native Americans were common. But in its
      time running, the Pony Express only lost one
      mail pouch.

    thIS text about jacob the great , this story to explain and describe about that has dreams to become an astronout and also he is to become a hunter and guitar player. i have read this story jacob is a kid who does not to one hoby ,but he has many hoby.this story have also variation from start of introduction. this story has atmosphere different but has interesting in the text . this text gie also your motivation for reader .that always to get a something you must try in the future.

    This story tells of a boy named Jacob, who did not know exactly what he wanted in his life. Like having lots of dreams, doing new things and having lots of activities is also a hobby, but his hobbies don't last long like changing from playing guitar, treasure hunting, magicians and even wanting to become an astronaut. But despite all that, he realized he had to achieve his dreams by continuing to try until finally he could realize his dreams one by one.
    We can take the message from this story, if we want something to be possible, don't delay, keep trying to do well because nothing will work unless we do it.

  19. My name is Maimuna Kamarullah
    Jacob The Great, tells about a child who has an unusual hobby. intially Jacob asked his mother to buy him a guitar so, he can play songs for Anggie a girl he liked. After he got his guitar, then he tried to play, but after that he thought that the guitar wasn't play alone and finally he decided to not play guitar and save it under his bed. then, Jacob wants a wonder sweeper 5000 metal detectors, so he can find the treasure of a buried pirate after he reading an advertisement behind one of his comic books. to get what he wants Jacob he save money and bought it. On his birthday, Jacob ask for a wizard kit to his father. At first his father don't want, but finally he still bought the wizard kit for Jacob.

  20. Name: Nurhasri Mansur
    “Nonfiction Reading Test TV”
    The TV station was first established in 1928. Jhon Baird made the first TV in 1925. TVs have only one color and can only display 10 lines in New York. At the end of 1930 TVs worked well, America got an appreciation of the world exhibition in 1939. There are about 200 small TVs that still have two colors, namely black and white. In 1948 there were 4 large TVs networks in America. Color TVs first come out in 1953, and the price was too expensive. Now most TVs have expanded considerably since 30 channels and there is an art set called 4K TVs. These TVs have 3,840 channels.

    "Nonfiction Reading Test TV"
    This story was made by John Baird who created the first TV in 1925 that only one color did not work well but that was only the beginning, but they took longer to do it. And finally in the 1930s the TV worked well by displaying 200 small black and white TVs installed about the cast, through time the TV has grown by 30 baird. In this story we can draw conclusions about something that we want to need to work hard to achieve, despite many difficulties.

  22. Name: Mulkiah F.H Tambunal
    "Jacob The Great"
    In this narrative text tells about Jacob, a boy who always starts new things, but never lasts long. For this reason, he has many activities and hobbies. Starting from he asked the guitar to his mother, wanted to become a pirate, even to want to become a witch, until finally one day he discovered what his life goal was to become an astronaut. An interesting story, I think. A story that teaches us not to stop trying until you find what is your goal.

  23. Name: Sriwahyuni Majid
    "Jacob The Great"
    This is a short story about a boy named jacob who can't decide what he wants to do with his life and he also has many hobbies like playing guitar, singing and etc. this story also teaches us to always work hard if you want to get good results.

  24. Name: Rostati Sehe
    "Jacob The Great"
    The story tells about jacob is a child who has many hobbies and desires among which he wants to have a guitar and sing, wants to find buried pirate treasure,wants to be a magician and also wants to become an astronaut.Jacob is a hard working kid who likes to save money. This story motivation us to be able to work hard and get something we want.

  25. Name : Andriani Abd. Rahman

    In the story "Jakob the great" tell about a hard-working and persistent boy he named Jacob he has many unique hobbies and dream such as wanting to have a guitar so he can sing, magicians, and find buried pirate treasure. He also did not get tired or discouraged to realize his dream, and after he saw an ad on television he knew what his goal was to become an astronaut. Jakob always tries new things because of his hobbies. This story had an interesting and unique plot.
    In my opinion, this story teaches us to always try and work hard for what we want, and doing new things is fun.

  26. Name Tri intan saputri,
    this is the second comment.
    in the story "test chess": What I catch from the story of chainsar chess is, chess is already around 500 years ago and has become a European ornamner of the European, which is slowly starting to flourish in the seliuri, the pulse of the world, the chess is played by 2 people, one of them hold white chess and other black chess, in this game the player has a person who has to keep on the moment you have to keep on the moment, it is the word you will be in the moment, you are in the way, you can be at the move, if not you will eat at the chest, it makes the chess player to think hard in making the next step, the growing age, the computer can also play chess, unfortunately there is the most anniversary that makes it imperfect, walk the time computer newly created with the same chess play mode, just this time the computer can beat the chess player best, from here we know that, the game in the past always has developments in the future, ranging from the cheaper manual to the manual cheaper to the chess manual to the back of the manual to the game back to the game.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


  28. Name: Yuyun Sugianti

    Text about "chess" This text discusses the game of chess, history, and the rules of playing chess. Chess games have existed and been played since 500 years. This game is done by two players. One player plays the white side and the other one plays the black side. In this game there is a piece called the kings, this game will be completed if one player loses their king. Some people think that this game is more than just a game. in this game players are required to use their brains because players are required to think about the next tactic. In this game also each player is given a few moments to play his turn but if the time is up then the next player's turn to play it. This game is great for training the brain.

  29. Name: Anisa Abd Kadir

    "Jacob the great" comments about jacob He is a child who has a million hobbies and activities. in fact he wanted to try things he had never known. however, he may quickly get bored with something that has already been done. he likes to try something he likes but he never finishes his desires until it is finished because at that moment he is injured so he stops. he is also one of the children who is active with activities, it is very good because at the age of a child like this he is already active in activities and also likes to experiment with new things. but all must be accompanied by parents as well so that it is safe. and also does not cause unwanted things. the good thing about him is that he saves when he was little. at the end of the story he already knew what his life's purpose was. and this is also a lesson for us that do not waste too much money and buy something that is not important, and we can do things that are not harmful.

  30. Name : Anisa Abd Kadir

    "Chess" comments about chess games, this game is very good because it can train our thinking faster and this also requires expertise to win in the game. in this text about various kinds of sophisticated chess games there are those that use computers and manuals. in this game there are 2 players and this requires quick thinking. Flash chess is also good because it uses the time set by the computer so that it trains us to think fast in the game.

  31. Name : Indriyani Amir

    "Jcob the great" This story describes a child (Jacob) who is never satisfied with what he has. He always wants to try something he has just seen but is also quickly bored with what he has done. Ask for something without thinking about how the parents are doing. he has curiosity and tries something with great determination but if he experiences even a few obstacles he will die of the activity and never try to learn more about the new hobby he is trying.

  32. Name : Indriyani Amir

    "Chess" chess is a game that requires high concentration and drains the mind. one can lose concentration for some time in chess if it is too serious. That is why if a player has a big goal to win in his game then he must try fast to finish the game so as not to lose concentration.

  33. NAMA: Niar Zulkifli

    "Jacob the great"
    the story tells of a child named Jacob, who has many hobbies and activities. Jacob chose to try new things or activities that he had never done before such as the desire to play the guitar, a pirate (treasure hunter), a magician, and finally an astronaut is his real life goal. the story tells of a child named Jacob, who has many hobbies and activities. Jacob chose to try new things or activities that he had never done before such as the desire to play the guitar, a pirate (treasure hunter), a magician, and finally an astronaut is his real life goal.

  34. NAMA: Niar Zulkifli

    "Nonfiction Reading Test Chess"

    In the test that is telling about chess. from chess playing rules to chess playing tips (fast chess). here in my opinion, chess is not just a game but chess can make the mind stronger or train our thinking.

  35. Name: Burhanudin J. Rahman

    This story about Chess. Chess is game coming from Europe that has been around for a long time People have been playing it for over 500 years. This game consists of two parts and has different colors black and white. Chess is one of the games played by two-player. One player uses the white pieces, the other uses the black pieces. There is a type of chess with short time limits. It’s called blitz chess. Chess is not just a played by the people, computers have been playing chess since the 1970. In 1997, a computer beat the best player in the world for the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue.

  36. Name: Burhanudin J. Rahman

    This text talk about television. Television is a communication tool used to obtain information. Television usually provides visually information so Television show sounds and pictures. John Baird made the first TV in 1925. It had one color, it could only show 30 lines, it didn’t work well. The first TV station was set up in 1928. It was in new york. By the end of the 1930, were eorking well. America got its first taste at the 1939 world’s fair. This was one of the biggest events ever. There were 200 small, black and white TV set up around the fair. By 1948 there were 4 big TV networks in America. They aired their shows from 8 to 11 each night. Color TVs came out in 1953 they cast too much money for most. Also, shows were aired in black and white. By 1965, color TVs were cheapter. TV stations started airing shows in color.

  37. "The Great Jacob"
    Name:Kartini Safrudin"
    This story tells about a kid named Jacob who has many hobbies, he wants to have a guitar so he can play guitar and sing, and wants to find the pirae's treasure, become a magician and become an astronaut. With so many hobbies that make him always try new things. Jacob is a persistent child he does or always tries to real what becomes his hobbies and wish. This story can motivate us that every wish can be real if it is balanced with hard work and persistent effort.

  38. This is the second comment, about Television.
    Television is one of the long-distance communication tools that uses visual media. Television gets data from cables, disks, or signals in the air and then the data is converted into sound and images. The first TV was made by John Baird in 1925. Which only has one color. And can only display 30 lines. It didn’t work well. In 1928 the first TV station was founded, It was in New York. By the end of the 1930s, TVs were working well. America got its first taste at the 1939 World's Fair. This was one of the biggest events ever. There were 200 small, black and white TVs set up around the fair. By 1948 there were 4 big TV networks in America. They aired their shows from 8 to 11 each night. Color TVs came out in 1953. They cost too much money for most. By 1965, color TVs were cheaper. Now most TVs are high-def. This means that they have many lines on them. This makes the image clear. TVs have come a long way since Baird's 30 line set.

  39. name : Endah tri widiastuti
    this is my second comment on the text reading "chess". the author tries to tell about the history of chess, the types and ways of playing chess. in the initial paragraph it is written that chess has existed since 500 years ago and in fact chess originated from India but the chess that we play today comes from Europe. then proceed by playing chess, when one player loses a piece called the king then the game is finished. many people think this chess game is just a game, but this game sharpens the ability to think in chess and in real life. there is also a type of chess with a short time limit called blitz chess, game of blitz chess are fast-paced.

  40. Name: Fatmawati Muhamad
    "The Great Jacob"
    the story tells of a child who has a different personality from his age. he has many hobbies and likes to try new things, but Jacob is also very quickly bored in trying things, various kinds of hobbies he tries but in the end he gets the right hobbies and leadership and what he has been looking for as an astronaut.

  41. Name: Fatmawati Muhamad
    this is my second comment about "chess". we can see from the chess story, the author tries to tell the history of chess and also other types besides that there is also a way to play chess. chess has existed since 500 years ago and chess came from India but the chess we play today comes from Europe. how to play chess that is, when one player loses a chess piece called king then the game is finished. this chess game is just a game and it turns out that this game sharpens the ability to think in chess and in real life. there is also a type of chess that has a short time limit which is blitz chess, this chess game blitz is all fast paced.

  42. Name : La Ode Abdul Majid
    The second comment
    This text discusses history, how to play and a little rule about playing chess. In the first paragraph the author writes a little about the history of chess, the second paragraph explains how to play and the rules of playing chess, the third paragraph discusses the opinions of some people who think that chess is more than a game that can make the mind become stronger because chess players play using their brains, in the fourth paragraph discusses one type of chess that is played quickly, and in the last paragraph discusses about computers playing chess ranging from development to their achievements.

  43. Name : Andriani Abd. Rahman
    This is the second comment about “ Television”
    This article provides lots of information about television from the first person who made it up, and its history. Previously TV only had one color and 30 lines. Then developed into two color, black and white. The first TV station was set up in New York 1928. The broadcasts were not meant to be watched. They showed a Felix the Cat doll for two hours a day. Now, TV has many channels, displaying good pictures and clear sound.

  44. name : Eva Hesty Susant
    this is my second comment about "chess".
    text about "chess" This text discusses the game of chess, history, and the rules of playing chess. Some people think that this game is more than just a game. in this game players are required to use their brains because players are required to think about the next tactic. this game sharpens the ability to think in chess and in real life. This game is great for training the brain.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. name :Rasdi F.Mahmud
    this is my second comment about "CHESS" unlike most sport in chess we do not train muscles, but the brain. chess also requires players to think sharper and one step ahead of their opponents but i a narrow span of time must decide the best step to take win the game. so no wonder, often the ability to play chess that is qualified is a associated with a high level of intelligence.
    rules and how to play chess is a sport that is performed using a board game consisting of sixty four boxes with a size of 8x8. the boxes are divided into to two different colors, generally black and white. these two colors represent the two players who will compete. therefore, chess is a sport that can only be play by two people, no more ore less.

  47. Name: Rasdi F. Mahmud
    This is my third comment about TV.
    Television is one of the electronic media that has great power in influencing society. Until now, television is still considered as an information center for most people in the world, including in Indonesia.
    Literally, the word television comes from the merging of two words, namely tele from Greek which means far and visio from Latin which means vision.
    So, television is a device used to see things from a long distance. John Baird made the first TV in 1925. It has one color. It can only display 30 lines. This is just enough room for the face. It didn't work well, but that was the beginning.
    The first TV station was founded in 1928. It was in New York. Only a few people have a TV. Broadcasts are not meant to be watched. They show Felix the Cat dolls for two hours a day. The doll is spinning on the record player. They are experimenting. It took years to fix it. In the late 1930s, the TV worked well. America got its first taste at the 1939 World Exhibition. This was one of the biggest events ever. There are 200 small, black and white TVs around the exhibition. U.S. President give a speech on TV. The TV is only five inches large but people like it.

  48. My name is Sumiati Juaen
    The First coment about short story “Jacob the Great”. A boy named Jacob who can't quite decide what he wants to do with his life.
    The second coment about short story “Chese”. Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces. The other uses the White Chess Pieces black pieces. This story tells about ways to play chess. and playing chess is enough to sharpen the mind.
    The third coment about short story “Tv”. So this story tells the beginning of making tv, from the beginning of the creation of tv to the changes that exist on tv.

  49. Nurul Qamariyah Syamsudin

    The 2nd comment : Chess

    This is such a good text that tells about Chess. This game also called as the game of kings. The text not only explain what is Chess , but also consists of the history, how to play it, and also the kinds of Chess. From the text , we also get the information that , we could play chess by computers since a long time. And now, we can play it by our phone. So, we can say that The Chess game has a long history and way to get its position now.

  50. Nurul Qamariyah Syamsudin

    The 3rd comment : Tv

    This text is talk about TV. Tv made by John Baird in 1925. The first version, Tv have many weaknesses and limitations. So do the station. If we read the whole text, we can conclude that Tv have been through many changes and experiments. It needed many years and efforts to make Tv has many stations and the HD pictures, like we have now. And the tv will always be uppgrated. And I hope, they will make tv be better than now.

  51. Nurul Qamariyah Syamsudin

    The 4th comment : Metal Detectors

    This is a text about metal detector. Metal detector is a tool that make magnetic waves , that go through the ground. When the first metal detector was made, they were big and expensive. But as time flies, metal detector got smaller and cheapest. The text not only explain the metal detector , but, how does it work ,and tells the function of metal detector.

  52. La Ode Abdul Majid

    The 3rd comment: TV

    In this text discusses how TV works with history or the beginning of TV creation. TV get data from cables, discs, or over the air signals. They turn this data into sounds and images. TV was made in 1925 made by John Baird, which at that time had only one color along with the development of the TV era is always updated so that now TV can display a good picture and sound resolution.

  53. La Ode Abdul Majid

    The 4th comment: Metal Detector

    This text discusses metal detectors, ranging from their shape, function to the benefits of metal detectors. at the beginning of the creation of the metal detector has a large shape and also has a large shape over time he experienced changes in the shape of the smaller and cheaper. This metal detector functions to find metal. he detects metals by electromagnetic waves. This metal detector serves to find hidden metals either in the ground, in water or others.

  54. name : endah tri widiastuti
    this is my 3rd comment on the text reading "TV". in this text talk about TV made, jhon braid made the first TV in 1925 it had one color and only show 30 lines. TV had many changes and experiments to make a good TV from Era to Era. until now, TV has changed to be better than in 1925.

  55. name : endah tri widiastuti
    this is my 4th comment on the text reading "metal detector" in this text telling about metal detector make magnetic waves. the waves can go through the ground. metal detector made for helping miners but metal detector cost a lot of money because they used a lot of power and the worst is it does work well. so the people kept trying to make a better version of metal. detector.

  56. Name: Yuyun Sugianti
    3rd comment:

    This text talk about “television” and information of the origin of television. The first television made by John Baired in 1925 and it had only one color. The first television station was made up in 1928, New York city. Television can show pictures and sounds because it was get data from cable, discs, or over-the-air signals. The first time television made up it did not work well. Then, there are improvements by the end of the 1930s, televisions working well. In America 1948 there were four big television, their show from 8 to 11 each night, at the time television not always on like now.


  57. Name: Yuyun Sugianti
    4th comment:

    This a text about “ Metal Detectors”, metal detector use for find metal. The first time metal detector made-up it was so big. They used a lot of power but it did not worked well. Now metal detector light and chip. Metal detector can find rings in the water or phones in the sand. Then, now metal detector used in airports and some school to help guards look for weapons. These devices can also save lives because it can find bombs in the ground. Metal detector also make clothes safer because it was used to look for broken needles in clothes at large companies.

  58. Indriyani Amir

    3rd comment:metal detector
    metal detector is a device that is able to detect the presence of metal. used to detect and identify metals that are in / below ground level. there are so many benefits of this tool such as security when entering a certain area or commonly used research to find metal even just made as a hobby to find metal. This tool has also been used in several schools. places like airports also use this tool to detect passenger luggage so that there are no dangerous objects. This metal detector is also used to detect weapons or bombs buried in the ground in a former war area that will be used as a settlement.

  59. Indriyani Amir

    4th comment:tv
    over time TV was created with various shapes and sizes. It can even be connected to an internet connection or WiFi. The shape of the TV is the tube and there is thin like a TV today. there are TVs that use satellite dishes and there are also those that only use cable. satellite dish that is used to make a TV on there are many types. TV broadcasts are also very much, when using an internet connection we can even watch YouTube on TV. the size of the sound on the TV usually depends on the type of TV used. there are some tvs that have bass sounds and small vibrations but some don't.

  60. Anisa Abdul Kadir

    3rd comment: metal detector
    Metal detectors is a device that is able to detect the presence of metals within a certain distance. In my opinion, this metal detector is very good because by using this tool, metal seekers can easily get metal detection metal. It is very good because it can detect sharp objects such as bomb guns and other sharp objects. This tool really helps us and can also be protective ourselves for us this tool a lot of use there in schools, airports, courthouses and others. Because Very useful as personal protective equipment.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anisa Abdul Kadir

    3rd comment: TV
    Television is a telecommunications medium A device that displays sound and images. In this story tells about the discovery and manufacture of TV. The first time television in ancient times was less sophisticated because it only had one color and its size was very small and it did not work well when turned on the TV, the first TV station was founded in 1982 in New York at that time also the television was only owned by a few people not all who have television are not as sophisticated as they are today. Everyone already has television. In the old days there were not many broadcasts like now. So now everyone is comfortable and satisfied to watch because there are already many broadcasts and the images are very clearly played and there are many television brands that can be bought.

  63. name: tri intan saputri
    3rd comment:TV

    I read an article about TV, in short here tells the beginning of TV, tv was made by john bair in 1925, where the tv was still not perfect, the color shown was black, and there were only puppets dancing for 2 hours, then the first tv station stood up. in New York in 1928, but still in the process of going to the perfect TV, In the 1930s TV started working well. The first color TV appeared in 1953, where people started to enjoy color TV. then after world war 2, tv began to spread throughout the world, even now tv appears with new variations, ranging from the shape of a large tube to a thin shaped like a laptop. TV has become a source of information for people everywhere, and I'm sure you also often watch TV.

  64. name:tri intan saputri
    4rd comment:METAL DETECTORE.

    I read about this article, this metal detector is a metal search tool, which is commonly used by people to look for lost metal items. This metal detector, was made to help mine workers. some people use it to look for gold, and those buried behind the house, most of the metals found are coins or other rubbish.

  65. "Jacob the great"

    the story tells of a child named Jacob, who has many hobbies and activities. Jacob chose to try new things or activities that he had never done before such as the desire to play the guitar, a pirate (treasure hunter), a magician, and finally an astronaut is his real life goal. the story tells of a child named Jacob, who has many hobbies and activities. Jacob chose to try new things or activities that he had never done before such as the desire to play the guitar, a pirate (treasure hunter), a magician, and finally an astronaut is his real life goal.

  66. "Nonfiction Reading Test Chess"

    In the test that is telling about chess. from chess playing rules to chess playing tips (fast chess). here in my opinion, chess is not just a game but chess can make the mind stronger or train our thinking.

  67. Name: Amelia Muhlis
    second comment : THE PONY EXPRESS

    This article tell about era Send Message. only in a few seconds, but Everything is not always easy. It took so long. How did you get their news? No telephone, no train, You can use Pony Express. In 1860 and 1861, Pony Express was The fastest way to get news. Pony Express has 184 stations footprint. It's about horse travel race before tiring. He only brought his letter bag. then give the letter bag to the new driver. Every the driver must weigh less than 125 pounds.People can send message in an instant. Two days later Pony Express is closed. but I think in the era of 4.0 era we no longer need to use pony express because of the growing era so that everything we can get easily.

  68. Name:Amelia Muhlis
    Third comment :COLESIOUM
    This story tells about "Coliseum". Coliseum is an ancient stadium in the center of Rome. This story tells about the colisium which was built in the year 70. It is used to bet humans, fight lions, bears and tigers. But because it was struck by lightning so damaged. the worst damage occurred in 1349, caused by an earthquake that shook Rome and the Colisium. I think this story is very interesting because it has a history, so that it can attract the attention of the readers.

  69. Name: Niar Zulkifli
    third comment: Nonfiction Reading Test Metal Detectors

    in the nonfiction reading test, metal detectors discuss about metal detectors that are widely used by humans. its function are many namely: to help miners find metal to protecting those metal detectors. this really helps people especially looking for rubbish bombs and others.

  70. Name: Niar Zulkifli
    fourth comment: Nonfiction Reading Test TV

    In the text "nonfiction reading test TV" explains about TV, from making revisions to the development of TV here we can know that the development of television requires a very long time with the existence of TV at the time people were very happy and like TV.

  71. Name: Nurlina Wahid
    third comment: "nonfiction-reading-test-pony-express"

    The Pony Express. Each
    rider had to weigh less than 125 pounds. Speed
    was the key. Most of the riders were teenage
    boys. They rode at a fast pace for up to 100
    miles a day. If there were an emergency, one
    might have to ride 200 miles in a day. The ride
    could be rough and dangerous. Attacks by
    Native Americans were common. But in its
    time running, the Pony Express only lost one
    mail pouch.

  72. Name: Nurlina Wahid
    fourth comment: "Nonfiction Reading Test Chess"

    In the test that is telling about chess. from chess playing rules to chess playing tips (fast chess). here in my opinion, chess is not just a game but chess can make the mind stronger or train our thinking.

  73. Name: Nurhasri Mansur
    Npm: 03061811009
    Class: A/IV
    About: Coliseum

    This text tells about the damage to the coliseum, coliseum is an ancient stadium in downtown Rome. The building is very old and began to be built in the year 70. Coliseum has been used in many ways. The Coliseum was never repaired. That is good the outer wall thing is still standing strong. Coliseum has been damaged many times over the years, it was shocked by lightning in 217. A lot of Coliseum is made of stone. But the fire damages the top level. They are made of wood. This  the damage can take years to repair. Past not finished until 240. The worst damage occurred in 1349.

  74. Name: Nurhasri Mansur
    Npm: 03061811009
    Class: A/IV
    About: Pony Express

    This article tells us that the difference between sending letters today and in the past is very different. In this day and time with a message sent, it is different from the past. The process of sending letters takes so long or even months. In 1860-1861 came the Pony express. which is very helpful in the process of sending mail. Pony Express is the fastest way to get news to and from the west, Pony Express can make travel in just 10 days. That speed has never happened before. Pony Express has 184 Stations Distance stations about 10 miles most of the riders are teenage boys.

  75. Name : Mutia Harun

    Comment for story "CATUR"

    Catur biasa dibilang permainan raja dan sudah ada sejak lama,dan catur sendiri berasal dari Negara eropa,catur merupakan permainan yang bisa mengasah pikiran kita dan juga ketrampilan.catur sendiri juga bisa dimainkan semua orang,manfaat lain dari bermain catur yaitu membuat kita lebih konstentrasi, mengasah kemampuan otak kita dan juga menghilangkan stress.

  76. Name : Mutia Harun

    Comment for story TV

    TV merupakan satu media yang sangat penting, TV pada zaman dulu tidak berwarna seperti sekarang. TV juga merupakan salah satu hiburan yang bisa membawa dampak positif dan negative.semakin berkembangnnya zaman TV telah jauh berkembang.

  77. Name : Mutia Harun

    Comment for story "METAL DETECTOR"

    Cerita ini tentang seorang pria yang memakai alat pendeteksi logam atau detector, Detector logam dipakai untuk mencari logam.alat ini biasa ditemukan di bandara, gedung pengadilan dan juga beberapa sekolah , penjaga sekolah biasa menggunakan alat ini untuk mencari logam. Dari waktu ke waktu dekektor logam semakin kecil.

  78. Name: Mulkiah F.H Tambunal
    Second Comment
    Comment for Article "Chess"

    Chess or better known as the game of kings. A game that originated in Europe. Some people think that chess is more than a game. Because indeed those who play chess use their brains to make the next steps and these skills are useful in life. This article is very interesting, in my opinion. Articles that review the history of chess itself. This can be interesting knowledge for all of us. Especially students. And from the contents of the article itself we can take lessons. That life must use rules or strategies in taking the next step, like chess.

  79. Name: Mulkiah F.H Tambunal
    Third Comment
    Comment for Article "TV"

    TV people usually watch news and shows. TV was first there in 1925 with only one color display. And the TV station was first established in 1928 in New York. Only a few have it. This article is very interesting, in my opinion. Articles that review the history of TV itself. As we know, TV is something important now, besides smartphones. If we associate this with communication problems, of course. More Articles This can be interesting knowledge for us all. Especially students.

  80. Name: Mulkiah F.H Tambunal
    Fourth Comment
    Comment for Article "Metal Detectors"

    Metal detectors are tools that people use to look for metals. A tool that was originally made to help miners, and the price is so expensive. But, as time goes by people make it lighter and cheaper. That is why people take them to the beach. They can look for a ring in the water. They can search the phone in the sand. Metal detectors help them find these things. This article is very interesting, in my opinion. Articles that review the benefits of metal detectors themselves. More Articles This can be interesting knowledge for us all. Especially for those who often lose their valuables.

  81. Name : Andriani Abd. Rahman

    This is the third comment about the article Chess. In this article provides a lot of information about chess from the history of chess itself. This game is commonly called the game of kings, and has been played for more than 500 years. This game is usually played by two people. This article also discusses the benefits of playing chess, which can make a person's mind stronger, because this game uses the brain. This game is a kind of exercise for the mind. In this modern era chess is not only played by humans but computers can also play it.

  82. Name : Andriani Abd. Rahman

    This is the fourth comment about the article Metal detector this article give many information and knowledge about metal detector starting with the first metal detector to help miners. They were big. They cost a lot of money. They used a lot of power. And worst of all, they didn't work well. People keep trying to make them better. Now Metal detectors got smaller, many benefits of metal detectors such as searching for rings in water and being able to look for phones in the sand, These devices also make clothes safer. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places. They are in airports, courthouses and some schools.

  83. Name: Sriwahyuni Majid
    The 2nd comment: Chess

    Chess is a game that originated in Europe, this game has been around for a long time and has been played for hundreds of years. Chess is also called the king's game. Chess is played by two players with black and white pieces, and special moving pieces are called kings. Some people think that chess is more than a game and can make the mind stronger.

  84. Name: Sriwahyuni Majid
    The 3rd comment: Tv

    Television is a telecommunications medium that functions as a receiver for broadcasts of moving images and sounds, both monochrome (black and white) and color. Nowadays, television is almost one of the basic needs of the community. Yes, almost everyone has a television in his home, and even television is no longer a luxury. With a very affordable price, it is not surprising that there are now so many people who have televisions, even more than one in his house. Television was first made by John Baird in 1925, and can only display 30 lines and only one color and only has enough room to face and was founded in 1928 in New York, and in the late 1930s the TV worked very well . In 1939 America first experienced a world exhibition and it was one of the biggest events ever.

  85. Name: Sriwahyuni Majid
    The 4th comment: Coliseum

    Coliseum is one of the ancient oval-shaped stadiums located in the center of Rome, Italy. This building is one of the most iconic relics of ancient Roman civilization. Coliseum is made from building materials namely rock, marble and sand. The Colosseum is composed of 4 levels of seating, where the audience sits enjoying the gladiatorial matches and other performances. The center of the Colosseum is a field or arena with a floor made of sand. This arena is used as a venue for matches and performances, and is used as a place for gladiators to compete with fellow gladiators or with wild animals. Coliseum is also a very popular attraction in the city of Rome.

  86. Name : Kartini Safrudin.
    This is the Third Comment:
    Nonfiction Reading Test ”Chess”
    This text tells the story of a game that has been played for more than 500 years, this game is called Chess. Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces. The other uses the White Chess Pieces black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the king. Each player has one. In this text also explains how to play the game of chess, how a person can win this game and lose this game. This text is easy to understand because the writer uses simple sentences.

  87. Name : Kartini Safrudin.
    This is the Fourth Comment:
    Nonfiction Reading Test “Metal Detectors”
    This text explains about metal detectors. Metal detectors produce magnetic waves. This wave penetrates the ground. The wave turned compilation about metals. Then the device beeps. This makes people use close devices. This device also saves lives in other ways. During the war, people planted bombs on the ground. When the war ends, they cannot cancel them. This is not safe for people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. This text can help miners to use metal detectors.

  88. Name : Kartini Safrudin.
    This is the fifth Comment:
    Nonfiction Reading “Test Tetris”
    This text tells about a video game called Tetris. Tetris is a game about making lines. Blocks fall from the top of the screen. They fall one at a time. The player moves the blocks. Once the blocks hit the bottom, they are locked in place. Players try to make lines go across the screen with no gaps. This game was made by Alexey in 1984. All pieces in Tetris have four blocks. The word "tetra" means four. Alexey named the game tetra and tennis. He made Tetris while working at the science academy in Moscow. Haier thinks Tetris is good for the brain. I agree with this finding.

  89. Name: Mulkiah F.H Tambunal
    Fifth Comment
    Comment for Article " Test Tetris"

    Game about making lines. Blocks fall from the top of the screen. They fell one by one. The player moves the block. After the blocks reach the bottom, they are locked in place. The player tries to make the line go across the screen without gaps. Complete line missing. This gives the player more space. Blocks pile up during the game. The game ends when the block reaches the top of the screen. This article is very interesting, in my opinion. Articles that review about games, which hone our brain's abilities. More Articles This can be interesting knowledge for us all. Especially for those who often feel bored and bored, this article can show you that the Tetris game can be an interesting choice to get rid of your boredom.

  90. Name: Niar Zulkifli
    5th comment

    "Nonfiction reading test Tetris" This test tells a game called tetris game test is like making lines and this game is not only a game but also good for the brain.

  91. Name: Rostati Sehe
    Second comment: Nonfiction Reading Test Chess

    This text talk about chess. The game of chess has been around for a long time, people have been playing it for over 500 years. Chess is a two-player game, one player uses white chess pieces and the other uses black chess pieces,in playing chess the game will end if someone loses his king. Some people think that chess is more than just a game, they think playing chess must use the brain and mind, in playing we must have the skills and strategies to determine what steps will happen next. This skill is useful in life and chess because playing chess will train our brains to think faster.

  92. Name: Rostati Sehe
    Third comment: Nonfiction Reading Test TV

    In the text talk about TV. The first TV station was founded in 1928. John Bird made the first TV in 1925 on TV only having one picture and it didn't work well, but that was only at the beginning. At the end of 1930 TV could work well. America got its first taste at the 1939 world exhibition. This was one of the biggest events ever. There are 200 small black and white TVs around the exhibition. With the development of time TV can work better.

  93. Name: Rostati Sehe
    This is the fourt commen, about Coliseum

    Coliseum is one of the most famous places in the city of Rome. People from all over the world come to Italy to see it. Coliseum is the largest stadium in Rome, this coliseum is very old built in the year 70. And it took ten years to build it. Coliseum has been used in many ways one of which is never used for battle. Coliseum has been damaged many times over the years, the worst damage occurred in 1349. A mighty earthquake shook Rome so that the coliseum on the south side of the building collapsed.

  94. Name : Amelia Muhlis
    fourth comment about "tetris"

    I think this story tells about games. Tetris is a game about making lines.A man named Alexey made Tetris in 1984. All the pieces in Tetris have four blocks. The word "tetra" means four. Alexey named his game after tetra and tennis. He made Tetris while working at a science academy in Moscow. Moscow is in Russia. He ran many tests. He found that playing Tetris boosts mental activity. Dr. Haier thinks Tetris is good for the brain. I think this story is very interesting because in the story it explains how to play using the brain / mind.

  95. Name: Amelia Muhlis
    5th comment "Tv"

    this is story tells about John Baird made the first TV in 1925. It had one color. It could only show 30 lines. The first TV station was set up in 1928. It was in New York. By the end of the 1930s, TVs were working well. America got its first taste at the 1939 World's Fair. so I think tv is very useful because nowadays we can easily get information.

  96. Name: Niar Zulkifli
    " sixth comment"

    "Nonfiction reading test the Colosseum". Colosseum or ancient stadium in the center of Rome (Italy). this building is used for battles with animals, many people who like to watch these attractions. can be called the most popular attraction so many people from all over the world come to see the attraction.

  97. Name : Yuyun Sugianti

    5th comment:

    This text tell about "Tetris". A man name Alexey made a game named Tetris in 1984. Tetris is a game to making lines with block. Block fall from the top of the screen and moves the block to form lines. This game try to make the line crosses without a gap and then block disappears. The game will be over if you can’t make line crosses without gap until block reached the top of screen. At the first time this game made up can only display letters instead of blocks. Richard Haier studied the Tetris player. He found that playing Tetris increased mental activity. Haier thinks Tetris is good for the brain.

  98. Name : Krisdayanti Kamir.

    The first Comment is for Jacob text.

    Jacob's story is very interesting, because from this story we can get many positive things, one of which is that he has a high enthusiasm to be able to know his true identity. when all the hobbies he had done he never found a good one for him all always failed. and Jacob is always trying to get what he wants, even though many are wrong with his desires but he is trying to convince those around him that he can. Jacob's story is very motivating because he never gives up on getting what he wants. He kept trying to get what he wanted, namely saving money and not spending money like his brother and friends, this is a good example.

  99. Name : Krisdayanti Kamir.

    The second comment is for Chess Text.

    From this text, we can find out what a chess game is, since when the chess game was known and played by people, where did the chess game come from, when did the chess game develop on the computer, how are the rules in chess, knowing how to play well with thinking using the brain, and how to use good time in playing chess. so this text is very interesting to read by people especially for those who have hobbies or interests in playing chess.

  100. Name : Krisdayanti Kamir.

    The third comment for the coliseum text.

    This Coliseum text is very interesting. This text makes us well aware of the coliseum from the history of colesium, namely when the coliseum was built, how long it took to build a coliseum, coliseum made of anything, coliseum is used for anything, how many times has the coliseum been damaged and what causes damage The coliseum, how long does it take to repair the damage to the coliseum, and what parts are damaged, from what damage is utilized by the surrounding community. we can also know the current condition and function of the coliseum. So, this text is very useful

  101. Name : Krisdayanti Kamir.

    The fourth comment is for Metal Detectors text.

    This text is very useful because it discusses an object that is a metal detector that makes us able to know what a metal detector is, what metal detectors work for, the benefits of using a metal detector in various situations, how to use a metal detector, we can find out who can use metal detector, where can we find the metal detector, and what about the metal detector at this time. this text is very interesting because it can add readers' insight about an object that is a metal detector.

  102. Name : Krisdayanti Kamir.

    The five comment is for The Pony Express text.

    This text is very interesting that compares past and present technology, especially in sending messages. Said to be interesting because it discusses the history of a message delivery service in the past is not as easy and as fast as sending messages in the current era. With this text, we can find out the story of The Pony Express. The pony express is the fastest way to get news at the time and there is no other way, we can also find out since when The pony express is used, the various functions of the pony express at that time, how the story of the pony Express riders in traveling, how many times it takes how long does it take for the pony express to send the message and how far can the pony express driver take in one day. This text is useful to add to the reader's insight by making comparisons of technology in the past and present.

  103. Jusman A. Sahmal
    “Metal Detectors”
    This reading passage tells about the use of a thing named “metal detector”. In that passage the writer explain what is metal detector looks like, then he tells about the history and the changing of metal detector itself, and he close the passage with explaining the function of metal detector in our daily live. It is very interesting and informative reading passage.

  104. Jusman A. Sahmal
    This is a nonfiction reading passage which explains about a game called “Tetris” Tetris is a game about making lines. Blocks fall from the top of the screen. They fall one at a time. The player moves the blocks. Once the blocks hit the bottom, they are locked in place. The writer explain about what tetris is, the history of that game, and the developing of the game itself on the reading passage, that makes the passage is interesting to be read and informative.

  105. Jusman A. Sahmal
    “The Coliseum”
    This kind of nonfiction reading passage tells about an ancient stadium in the center of Rome called “Coliseum”. The writer started the passage by explaining what coliseum is, what do people use it for, then he explain about the history of the building and he close by telling the condition of coliseum itself nowadays. I love to read this passage because it is easy to be understand, the way the writer write is interesting to be read, and it is really informative.

  106. Jusman A. Sahmal

    “The Pony Express”

    This reading passage is really interesting. The writer is brilliant in arranging the sentences into a paragraph, he started to explain/write about the problem of people in sending message in 1800’s era, and then he started to tell the solution of the problem that is “The Pony Express”. He explain in detail about what Pony Express is, how’s the contribution in solving the problem of sending message at the time, the history, until he close the passage by telling that The Pony Express is closed because of civil war in 1861. This nonfiction reading passage is very attractive and informative for the one who read it.

  107. Name : Aryani Bacun
    Chess is a two player game, chess is also called a king game. Apart from that chess is also a globally contested function of the world. Chess games should also be based on the practice of mind and focus

  108. Name : Aryani Bacun
    Televise is an object that appears the image generated by data from the cable, disk or over the water. Unlike the present day that has many channels on TV, in 1928 only has 1 channel featuring felix dolls for the two hours one day and at the end of 1930 TV worked better and the American who felt the first time on the world exhibition

  109. Name : Aryani Bacun
    “Metal Detector”
    Metal Detector is an object that helps find a good made of goods, or any goods of non-garbage, metal detector is usually widely used at the airport to help the flight staff check the passengers not to disorder sharp objects or harmful objects. And mostly used to search for mining locations.

  110. Name : Yuyun Sugianti

    6th comment:
    This text told about coliseum, coliseum is one of wonders of the World. They started building it in the year 70. Many of the activities carried out in the coliseum include an ancient Roman battle with animals such as the day of the will and the lion. Then, many people watched the battle that was carried out at this coliseum to more than 80,000 people. They find this show interesting. Many battles are fought inside the coliseum it causes damage to buildings and has not been repaired.

  111. Name : Yuyun Sugianti

    7th comment:

    This text discusses pony express. Between 1860 and 1861, pony express was the fastest way to send news to and from the west. The trail they climbed is about 2000 miles in length. Actually it takes weeks or even months for most people to go that far. But pony express can travel in just ten days. That speed was never heard at the time. They have a good system. Pony express can deliver news that fast in its time.




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