

Semester Exams

Monday 3 July 2023



For the Statistic subjects: Write a Title of your proposal and describe the progress. Have you already held a Proposal Seminar and Have You Conducted Research? Please provide your comments in the comments column?

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  1. Judul : The use of collaborative learning strategies to improve students reading skills.
    Perkembangannya : disusun dari bab 1 sampai bab 3,dan mengalami sedikit kendala.
    Saya sudah semianr judul.

  2. (Fitriani Basahona-03062011021)
    The title of my proposal is about "Students' competence in summarizing English text at English language education study program of Khairun University".my research is qualitative,I haven't held a proposal seminar, and I haven't done any research.

  3. Improving Students Reading Comprehesion Through Problem Based learning (PBI) At SMP negeri 1 kota Ternate.
    This learning method places students as active problem solvers, involving them in solving real or contextual problems in learning English. Menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif.
    I haven't had a seminar proposal yet and haven't done any research. Masih dalam proses penyusunan proposal

  4. An anlysis the character Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker. The progress i do so far is about arrange the chapter 1 2 and 3. There are many journal or thesis or book that i have to read to quote the definition about something by the experts. And i have already had a prolosal seminar. Now i have to continue my chapter 4 about the result

  5. (Risda La Indo-03062011015)
    The title of my proposal is about "The use of board race game to improve students' vocabulary mastery at senior high school". My research is quantitative research, I haven't held a proposal seminar, and I haven't done any research. I am still in the process of propsal guidance.

  6. (Putri Nabila Ismail-03062011039)
    The title of my proposal is about "Exploring students' difficulties in speaking skills at Khairun university", the progress I have made is compiling Chapters 1 and 2 and is in the process of completing chapter 3, there are many references from several sources that I have read and studied, I have not held a proposal seminar and I have not conducted research.

  7. MISNA RUSLI (03062011042)
    The title of my proposal is about "Errors made by students in simple past tense at Khairun University".
    My research is qualitative, I haven't held a proposal seminar, and I haven't done any research. I am still in the process of compiling, and looking for references.

  8. Nama : Nahdatul Fikra M. Mas'ud
    Judul : Exploring students jargon mastery in education text at english language study program of khairun university
    Perkembangannya : sedang menyusun bab 1 sampai bab 3 dan Saya sudah seminar judul.

  9. My title: an analysis of similes found on lyrics song of Taylor Swift. I am still in the drafting stage of about 80℅ and not yet at the consultation stage and there are still some things that I do not understand and still need sources or references. Therefore, I am not yet at the proposal seminar stage and have not yet done the research process.

  10. Nama : Masdiyana Darmin (03062011043)
    Proposal title: "Teachers techniques in teaching vocabulary for young learners at SMP N 1 Ternate".

    The progress of writing the proposal: Chapter 1 has been completed and now it is still in Chapter 2. I have not yet reached the stage of conducting a proposal seminar, for research so far I have only made observations at the research site.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Mutmainnah Ismail (03062011001) I have not yet held a seminar because I am still in the completion stage of Chapter 3 with the title "An Analysis of student pronunciation in MTs Negeri 3 Tidore Kepulauan"

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Rafli Rustam (03062011038) I have not yet held a seminar because I am still in the completion stage of Chapter 3 with the title "Exploring Black Racial Discrimination in the Movie Green Book"

  15. "Perbandingan Efektivitas Metode Pengajaran Tradisional dan Metode Pembelajaran Aktif dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Matematika Siswa Sekolah Menengah"
    Judul ini menekankan perbandingan antara metode pengajaran tradisional yang berpusat pada guru dan metode pembelajaran aktif yang lebih melibatkan siswa. Fokus pada prestasi matematika siswa di tingkat sekolah menengah.

    "Evaluasi Dampak Metode Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dan Metode Ceramah terhadap Prestasi Matematika Siswa Sekolah Dasar"
    Judul ini membandingkan metode pembelajaran kolaboratif, di mana siswa bekerja sama dalam kelompok, dengan metode ceramah yang melibatkan pengajaran langsung. Penelitian ini berfokus pada prestasi matematika siswa di sekolah dasar.

    "Perbandingan Efektivitas Metode Pengajaran Online dan Metode Tatap Muka dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Matematika Mahasiswa Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi"
    Judul ini meneliti perbandingan antara metode pengajaran online, yang menggunakan platform digital, dengan metode tatap muka tradisional dalam konteks pendidikan tinggi. Fokus pada prestasi matematika mahasiswa.

    "Analisis Perbedaan Dampak Metode Demonstrasi dan Metode Diskusi terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa SMP"
    Judul ini membandingkan metode demonstrasi, di mana guru memberikan contoh, dengan metode diskusi, di mana siswa berpartisipasi aktif, dalam konteks peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa SMP.

    "Studi Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dan Metode Pembelajaran Konvensional dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa SMA"
    Judul ini mengevaluasi efektivitas metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek, di mana siswa bekerja pada proyek matematika yang relevan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan metode pembelajaran konvensional dalam meningkatkan minat belajar matematika siswa SMA.

  16. "Improving Students' Speaking Skill Through Collaborative Learning"

    My progress in preparing the proposal has reached chapter 3. I have not conducted a proposal seminar and also have not conducted research.

  17. Rasia Ismail (03062011018)
    The implementation of Cooperative learning to improve student reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 5 Halteng the development I have guided but only once guided so there are words that are not appropriate and then there are sentences that are not right.I haven't held a proposal seminar, and I haven't done any research.

  18. the title of my proposal is "The Feminism in the songs of Tupac Shakur" I have finished the title seminar, now I am writing my proposal and still revising

  19. Rini Amir (03062011005)
    My Title: Analysis of Figurative language in the novel "The kite Runner" using qualitative research methods (content analysis).
    I have not yet held a proposal seminar because my proposal is still in the process of preparing chapters 1-3, still in the stage of looking for various references and sources that are relevant and effective to support my research and also still in the stage of consulting guidance to supervisors 1 and 2.

  20. Name: Eis Nur Mutia
    NPM: 03062011011

    The title of my proposal is "An Analysis of English Code Mixing on Maudy Ayunda's Podcast". As for its development, I have had a title seminar, and l am still in the stage of compiling my proposal in chapter 3. however, I have not consulted with my supervisor. I haven't held a proposal seminar yet. I haven't done any research either.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sutrina Ahmad (03062011022)

    Title of my proposal students in retelling of jack ma speech. For the advancement yet and I have just made a few paragraphs of proposals and a seminar of proposals yet and research hasn't.

  23. Astri Azis Saleh (03062011026)

    The title of my proposal is "Analysis of euphemism words in teaching learning process at faculty of education and teacher training of khairun university" I have finished the title seminar, now I am writing my proposal and still revising.

  24. I've done my proposal seminar entitled "The Use of Discovery Learning to Improve Students' Speaking Competence". I'm still on my process of conducting the research and I struggle to fix my chapter 1-3 and write my chapter 4-5

  25. My title is "The Use of Graphic Novels in Enhancing English Language Learning among High School Students".
    High School Students" and I have not had a seminar title

  26. (03062011006)
    I just finished doing my title seminar that i will conduct. The title is "Exploring students’ culture shock in attending national exchange program". I have to find out and have citation some journals related to my title so I'm on my way to write chapter 1-3.

  27. title Effectiveness of Listening to Music to Train Pronunciation
    In writing this proposal in Chapter I, I still feel a little easy because there are some things that are understood but at the time of chapter 2 I had difficulty because maybe there were still a lot of things that I might not have understood but I still worked and understood in writing in chapter 2 with a lot of theory in it while in chapter 3 I was still investigating the research that I used in the research.

  28. Farli La Eni, Npm (03062011023). With the title "Language politeness used by politicians in Kompas newspaper". While I have compiled chapter 1 to chapter 3. However, I am still at the consultation stage and still need a lot of guidance from my supervisors.




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