

Curriculum Development

Sunday 17 September 2023


To guarantee the greatest possible learning environment for students, the curriculum development team collaborates with faculty to establish and adapt courses and programmes. We assist teachers as they design and update their programmes and curricula, bringing about meaningful change.

The term "curriculum" refers to the values-based behaviours and procedures that direct and support important learning experiences. A planned, methodical, and purposeful course of action, curriculum creation eventually improves the calibre and effect of the learning experience for pupils.

It entails the planning and coordination of educational activities that are meant to achieve certain learning objectives. It also entails carefully evaluating those learning results. The main objective of curriculum is to raise the standard and significance of the teaching and learning process.

To generate meaningful learning experiences, a variety of factors must be taken into account when planning a course or a programme of studies. Instead than focusing solely on the content, curriculum planning now takes into account the connections between the learning outcomes of the course or programme, how those outcomes will be assessed, and the activities and opportunities that will help students learn. A course's or program's designers should take the following into account:

  • Outcomes: What should the learner know and be able to do at the end of this course/program?
  • Assessment: How will learners and teachers know if the learning outcomes have been accomplished?
  • Activities: What needs to be done to achieve the learning outcomes?

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, I really agree because this curriculum development requires careful evaluation of learning, where evaluation is very important for everyone, especially for educators and students, to find out the extent of the results and developments that have been achieved. This curriculum is also very helpful and supports learning in a program/course so that it is directed and planned. (Sriyanti Abdul Kadir)

    Thank you 🙏

  3. Yes, I agree. Having a curriculum can make learning easier and help teachers in designing both faculty and course programs so that they can be planned, and the curriculum can produce meaningful and targeted changes.
    (Fina Dafrin)

  4. Yes, the curriculum is very important in running a program so that it is more focused. The 3 important things mentioned above are also basic things that must be considered when starting a program/course 🙏🏻 (Asmiranda B. Nurhamidin)

  5. I really agree. Because there is a curriculum that makes it easier for students and teachers to create a program, for example a study program, so that it becomes better. ( Ila Niniki )
    Thank you🙏

  6. Iya, saya sangat setuju bahwa kurikulum dibuat dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelajar dalam pembelajaran, serta agar pendidik juga dapat meninjau sejauh mana kemampuan seorang pelajar dalam proses pembelajaran dan mengetahui cara pengajaran yang tepat untuk menunjang kemampuan berfikir pelajar. Dan untuk hasil, nilai dan kegiatan. Hasil yang yang harus diketahui yaitu nilai yang didapatkan pada akhir pembelajar seperti ujian atau latihan menjawab soal yang biasanya dilakukan untuk mengetahui kecakapan atau pemahaman pelajar ketika telah melewati proses pembelajaran serta melakukan perbaikan ketika hasil ujiannya buruk atau tidak masuk dalam standar penilaian.

  7. Siana Ragil Saputri Musapao (03062211056)

    In the process of improving the quality and productivity of students, the role of the curriculum is really needed to help with methodical, structured, and directed learning planning. In order to achieve maximum learning outcomes.

  8. Iramaya Hamsir (03062111090)

    Ya, saya setuju. Karena dengan adanya kurikulum, kami mahasiswa atau siswa dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan nilai-nilai pendidikan dengan mudah.
    Baik Terima Kasih 🙏

  9. After reading this article, I really agree with the contents of this article. Because curriculum development can help teachers improve the quality and learning experience of students. In accordance with the definition of 'curriculum' in the educational context, namely a series of structured and directed learning plans so as to provide maximum results. This curriculum development also requires precise and careful planning, coordination and evaluation so that it can increase the standards and significance of the teaching and learning process. I learned a lot about curriculum from this article, thank you🙏

    (Arsisusanti Akmal : 03062211051)

  10. That's for sure, with the curriculum in teaching and learning activities, it will be more effective and productive because it has been set by the curriculum what must be taught, and what achievements must be obtained in one learning year, so that this can also monitor the extent to which students are able to understand each material that has been taught.

  11. Komentar dan alasan saya mengapa pengembangan kurikulum perlu dilakukan.

    a. Pengembangan Kurikulum sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa pendidikan yang di berikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan zaman. Terutama dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi informasi

    b. Harus dengan konteks dan karakteristik peserta didik demi membangun kompetensi sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka kini dan masa depan

    c. Dan tentu perlu adanya dukungan dari masyarakat dan kepala sekolah yang memahami tentang kurikulum agar kurikulum pengembangan dapat berjalan dengan baik.

    (Mandalia Puni : 03062211057)

  12. Dalam merancang sebuah kurikulum tentu saja memerlukan pertimbangan dan ketelitian dalam merancang suatu prosedur belajar mengajar. Perancangan ini harus berdasarkan pengalaman pembelajaran sehingga kurikulum yang dirancang mengarahkan pada nilai nilai berdasarkan realitas proses belajar mengajar. Kurikulum menjadi pengarah bagi para pengajar untuk menjalankan profesinya sebagai seorang pengajar/pendidik. Merancang kurikulum secara sistematis sangatlah baik, akan tetapi kebanyakan kasus penerapan kurikulum di berbagai lingkungan pendidikan belum berjalan sesuai harapan, dan itu sangat di sayangkan. Sangat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi itu. Sehingga peran evaluasi sangatlah penting disini. Evaluasi yang diharapkan dapat membuahkan hasil perubahan menjadi lebih baik.

    Akhir kata dari saya merancang suatu kurikulum dengan sistematis sangatlah penting. Akan tetapi yang paling penting adalah bagaimana kita bisa memetik hasil pembelajaran yang bermakna dari adanya kurikulum itu.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Indri Regina Ibrahim (03062211069)

    Yes, I really agree that the curriculum is important because it helps ensure that students receive a quality education that suits their needs. The curriculum needs to continue developing and adapting to changes and developments within and outside educational institutions. The existence of a curriculum can change students' mindsets because it changes every year.

    Thanks you🙏🏻

  15. Niska Jalil

    I agree why the curriculum must be developed because learning and methods always vary or change according to the times. So curriculum development must always be developed to control and organize learning in a structured manner so that students can follow all the procedures or series that must be carried out in education in accordance with the established curriculum, so that they can achieve their final goals as students.

    Thank you🙏🏻

  16. I really agree with the contents of this article. Because curriculum development can help improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In accordance with the 'curriculum' in the educational context, namely with the development of this curriculum the teaching and learning process can be more structured or focused. that's all I can conclude from this article, thank you🙏

  17. Ya, saya setuju kurikulum di buat sebagai rancangan pembelajaran yang di mana dapat membuat sebuah proses pembelajaran yang baik dan juga menjadi teratata.

    (Rahmi Winastri La Inu)


  18. Ya saya setuju, dimana dengan memiliki kurikulum perencanaan dalam belajar maupun mengajar dapat diselenggarakan dengan mudah dan lebih teratur dimana dengan kurikulum ini dapat membantu dalam merancang, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi suatu kegiatan pembelajaran dan suatu program.
    (Titin J Nanilette)




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